Local 12 TV in Erlanger, KY reports:
https://local12.com/newsletter-dail...us-mike-bowling-steve-hahn-kentucky-ohioMangine Lawsuit: Coach didn't know where closest AED was, lawyer says 'he ran right by it'
by Christian Hauser and Stephanie Kuzydym, WKRCMonday, January 31st 2022
Automated external defibrillators or AEDs can save a person’s life who is suffering cardiac arrest.
The device is also a key part of a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of 16-year-old Matthew Mangine Jr.
Local 12 Investigates has reported extensively on Mangine’s death and the lawsuit's allegations regarding emergency action plans as part of our Athletes AT Risk Series.
This story digs into why the family claims the life-saving AEDs were there to save their son’s life, but were never used.
ERLANGER, Ky. (WKRC) - In their sworn deposition testimony, the coaches and athletic trainer at St. Henry say they were trained how to use an AED and knew what the signs were for sudden cardiac arrest in athletes, but the amended complaint in the wrongful death lawsuit says no AED was ever used by St. Henry personnel to try and save Matthew Mangine Jr., despite being nearby.
Mangine Lawsuit: Coach didn't know where closest AED was, lawyer says 'he ran right by it' (WKRC
The lawsuit states the emergency action plan (EAP) did not include all locations of AEDs on St. Henry’s campus.
St. Henry’s EAP listed three AEDs. The lawsuit alleges there were actually five: three in the school, one in the concession stand by the baseball field and one with the athletic trainer, Mike Bowling.
Bowling testified in his sworn deposition that those two extra AEDs weren’t mentioned in the EAP. One of those AEDs was in the new fine arts addition of the school. The Mangine family’s attorney asked if Bowling had access or keys to that addition.
He said not at that time.
Soccer coach Steve Hahn testified he learned during AED training courses that the importance of an AED was “the speed that it could help.”
The complaint says when Matt collapsed, athletic trainer Mike Bowling was on the other side of St. Henry’s campus at the soccer field – and the AED was in his vehicle.
The Mangine attorneys allege the emergency action plan wasn’t updated, so coaches didn’t know there was an AED in the fine arts extension, which was about 50 yards from where Mangine collapsed.
That’s about half the distance of a football field.
Kevin Murphy is an attorney for the Mangine family.
“By the time an AED was applied by EMS, it was far too late,” Murphy said.
The American Heart Association recommends an AED be used within the first three minutes of a cardiac incident and says a person’s survival rate goes down 10 percent every minute an AED isn't used.
In his deposition, Bowling – the athletic trainer – says he never received a phone call that Mangine was down and was never given any indication about the seriousness of the situation.
“Plan like it’s going to happen that night, rehearse like it’s going to happen during the season so you can be prepared to know exactly what to do because these children are in your hands,” Murphy said.
An emergency response plan is required by Kentucky state law.